Eumedica wishes to inform you that the website has no purpose of advertising the products offered for sale. Each product is accompanied by a description of the technical characteristics and directions for use and any other necessary information issued by the manufacturer of the product itself. This description is for information purposes only and is not intended, in any way, to influence the customer's purchase or to provide the latter with an opinion of a specialist medical nature or of a scientific or diagnostic nature
Aequi push ortho ankle brace
Code: PO3201AC
Packaging: 1 PC
Packaging: 1 PC
Only one reinforcement on the medial side, which acts as an anchor and stabilizer. The reinforcement is stiffer in the central part, softer and more flexible on the edges and has a depression to fit the medial malleolar. The plantar area is flexible to allow dorsal and plantar flexion of the foot. Stabilization is complemented by a sturdy inelastic strap, positioned lateral to medial.
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